Investment Criteria
Warwick looks to make equity investments into growing businesses with recurring yet diverse revenue streams, proven management teams, clear barriers to entry and accessible growth opportunities. Our financial parameters include EBITDA between $2 and $10MM, however we have the ability to partner with other family office capital sources on opportunities that exceed this range. Warwick prefers to make control investments but for the right opportunity will consider minority equity positions. Warwick helps to create incremental shareholder value for all of its business partners through our ability to bring long term capital, flexible investment structures, industry expertise, relationships and strategic guidance.

Cash Flow Dynamics
EBITDA Margins that Reflect Specialization or Differentiation
Ability to Capture Recurring Revenue Streams or Contracted Services
Stability, Predictability, and Demonstrated Growth

Management Capabilities

Proven Operators or Founder-Owners
A Drive and Desire for Growth
Intimate Industry Knowledge and Vision
Market Strategy and Positioning
Sustainable Competitive Edge
Novel "Twist" on Proven Models
Identifiable Differentiated Niche
Meaningful Barriers to Entry
Long-term Contracted Services

Growth Strategies and Abilities

Presence in Stable and Growing Markets
Organic Growth or Add-on Opportunities
Accessible Growth Avenues
Ability to Become a "Best in Class" Provider
Attractive Potential Exit Candidates
Areas of Interest
Information Technology
Niche Manufacturing
Business Services
Payment Processing
Value Added Resale
Specialty Finance
Contract Management
Government Services
Distribution and Logistics
and Other Unique Opportunities